Sunday, April 1, 2018

comforting sounds by mew, alt rock, 2000

man, does this song live up to its title!

i’m not sure if i first heard this song on the radio or if my dad played it for me while we were on our way someplace, but either way, it has stuck to me since. though the build up to this already 9min long song is long in itself, it’s worth every second.

it never fails to amaze me how, even in its simplicity, its effect on me is so profound. the repetitive instrumental melody works wonders in the way it calms my nerves and washes away my anxiety / everything that overwhelms me.

this song feels like lifting a veil to reveal the bigger picture; something i’ve always known was there, but could never quite see. or like living a lifetime in an instant!

i’m just in awe. listen here!

- aylli


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